Worker safety is priority in Western Australia. 



Western Australia premier Mark McGowan said safety was on of his highest priorities and has launched $12.9 million initiative to protect workers through new workplace safety laws and safety initiatives.

WorkSafe have employed an additional twenty-four full-time equivalent staff and 21 additional inspectors, to bring the total number of inspectors to 120 and in-line with New South Wales and Queensland, with a ratio of 1.0 full-time equivalent inspectors per 10,000 employees.

McGowan has launched the campaign “Better Worker Safety” aimed to put safety front of mind and improve workplace safety and health outcomes.

The new Work Health and Safety Bill will modernise workplace safety laws, better protect workers and hold those responsible for any workplace deaths accountable. The two main features of the bill will see the introduction of two new offences for industrial manslaughter. These offences include harsh jail time, and as a maximum sentence an offender will be looking at 20 years in jail.

McGowan said, “the death of one worker is one too many, it’s time we introduce industrial manslaughter laws to make sure Western Australians are protected at work”.

ProcessWorx based in Perth, Western Australia, is personally dedicated to helping small business with HR support, HR advice and farm safety. If you require HR support, HR advice, farm safety please contact ProcessWorx on (08) 9316 9896 or email


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