Job Sharing


Job sharing is where two part-time professionals share a full-time role. It is becoming an increasingly popular flexible work trend with research from job share consulting and advice company Gemini3 showing 70 per cent of Australian professionals are interested in job sharing. With equal interest among men and women and across various roles and levels, there will be continued interest from employees to job share. Job sharing can also offer some potential benefits to the employer such as:


  • Allowing two people to apply their skills, experience and problem-solving to one role.
  • Enabling the business to have better coverage when one half of the pair is away.
  • Leveraging the talent of employees who believe they have become stuck in their careers.


Whilst there are numerous benefits to job sharing it can come with its difficulties. Communication between the two workers is a crucial part of the process. Ensuring that the pair have a similar management and work style will also help the job share to run smoothly.

For more information about job sharing and whether it is the right fit for your business, please contact us on (08) 9316 9896 or

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